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From: Park

Message 3

A new Job brings more money and more money reminds me of treat and more treat. Congratulations on being officially capable of treating me with luxury foods.

- Tessier
Message 3

Congratulations. I am so happy that finally, you’re moving from here. All the best for starting a better job.

- Lawrence
Message 5

Congratulations on this big success. All your hard work and determination admirable which makes me proud of you. May you give your extremely best to this new job.

- Holmes

It always makes me happy to watch you chase your dreams and catch them. I usually get overwhelmed with happiness and joy seeing you rise in your career. Congratulations and good luck.

- Lie
Message 7

I am taking this opportunity to wish you good luck and congratulate you on achieving this much. Cheers my friend!

- Angel
Message 7

May you precede your colleagues, supersede your seniors and exceed all your company’s expectations. Congratulations on your new job.

- Tessier