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Happy Retirement Lola. You'll be missed

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Happy Retirement Lola. You'll be missed

From: Dawson College

Message 3

Lola, Congratulations on your retirement! Wishing you the very best in this next chapter.

- Jacqueline

Wish you everything good, Lola!

- Alex

Congratulations Lola on the well deserved 'promotion'! Thank you so much for all that you've done. During my time in Cont Ed, it was comforting to know that I could always reach out to you for guidance and support. I truly appreciated having a 'Dawson mom' (LOL!). Wishing you all the best in your retirement! May it be filled with much relaxation, enjoyment and new adventures!

- Carmen from Chemistry

Lola, Wishing you a retirement filled with relaxation, adventure and happiness. Congratulations on reaching this milestone - may this new chapter be your best one yet!

- Anu Kehar
Message 7

To all those who have received free spider plants fr the office of sustainability, pls know that majority of them were donated by Lola! Although you are retiring Lola, know your plants are bringing happiness to our office, just like YOU have done for 46yrs you have been at Dawson!

- jenn de vera
Message 7

Congratulations on your retirement , Lola! You will be missed. Enjoy every second of this next exciting stage! All the best, Amanda

- Amanda Beattie