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Happy Retirement Lola. You'll be missed

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Happy Retirement Lola. You'll be missed

From: Dawson College

Message 3

Lola, Congratulations on your retirement! Wishing you the very best in this next chapter.

- Jacqueline

Wish you everything good, Lola!

- Alex

Congratulations Lola on the well deserved 'promotion'! Thank you so much for all that you've done. During my time in Cont Ed, it was comforting to know that I could always reach out to you for guidance and support. I truly appreciated having a 'Dawson mom' (LOL!). Wishing you all the best in your retirement! May it be filled with much relaxation, enjoyment and new adventures!

- Carmen from Chemistry

Lola, Wishing you a retirement filled with relaxation, adventure and happiness. Congratulations on reaching this milestone - may this new chapter be your best one yet!

- Anu Kehar
Message 7

To all those who have received free spider plants fr the office of sustainability, pls know that majority of them were donated by Lola! Although you are retiring Lola, know your plants are bringing happiness to our office, just like YOU have done for 46yrs you have been at Dawson!

- jenn de vera
Message 7

Congratulations on your retirement , Lola! You will be missed. Enjoy every second of this next exciting stage! All the best, Amanda

- Amanda Beattie

Congrats Lola on a wonderful a career and I wish you lots of joy, peace, relaxation, and excitement for this next chapter in your life.

- Audrey Vanasse
Message 9

Best wishes, Lola, for a long, healthy and, most importantly, HAPPY retirement. Embrace the freedom and have the time of your life!

- Helen Wawrzetz

Dear Lola, I have good memories of working in 2G.1 together for the two years (2016-2018) I was with CTD. It was nice to exchange on theatre plays and arts and culture. I also admired your green thumb!! I wish you a peaceful retirement filled with projects that passionate you and that you can do at your own rhythm. Warmly,

- Gabrielle Bernardin

Happy Retirement Lola! May you be proud of the work you have done, the person you are and the difference you have made! I would like to thank you for all your help during these years. We will truly miss you!

- Andreea Panait from Math

Congratulations, Lola! Happy retirement and best wishes!

- Tanya Viltofsky
Message 13

Dear Lola, With all you have given during your career, you deserve MANY sincere thanks and wishes for the most amazing time post-Dawson, and even more. Your dedication, thoughtfulness and great sense of humor were a beacon of light in the sometimes chaotic world of this college. I really feel bad for all the newbies who won't have the opportunity to know you. ENJOY EVERY DAY MOVING FORWARD!

- Francesca

Congratulations Lola! Thank you for all your help and hard work.

- Cornelia

Chère Lola, tu as été la première personne avec qui j'ai vraiment communiqué à mon arrivée à Dawson en 2008. J'en garde un très bon souvenir, je me suis sentie accueillie et soutenue dans cette nouvelle aventure :) Merci beaucoup pour tout que que tu as fait pour nous au fil des années, je te souhaite une magnifique retraite bein méritée!

- Nejla El Solh

Lola, wishing you all the best for this next chapter. You are one of the first people I worked with at Dawson and you were always helped find solutions to any problem. It was a honour and pleasure to work with you Best wished. Natalie Olanick

- Natalie Olanick

Dear Lola, I wish you all the best in this wonderful new chapter. Congratulations on your retirement! Best Wishes, Khizer Zaheer

- Khizer Zaheer

Congratulations, Lola, on a well deserved retirement. All the best to you in your future endeavours.

- Vivian Mckoy

Lola, Best wishes on your well-deserved retirement. Enjoy!

- Linda Williams

I am truly grateful that you were on the hiring committee 17 years ago and agreed to hire me! It has been a privilege to work with you. I imagine half of Montreal knows you, so if you desire any peace in your retirement, you will have to change countries, or at least provinces. You will be missed! Best wishes. (and imagine how old school a hand written card would have been!)

- Michelle Raimbert
Message 21

Dear Lola, Thank you for the counsel you've provided over the years and the wealth of knowledge and insight you have brought to every conversation you've been involved in. CECS and Dawson will not be the same without you! I wish you all the very best as you move into this new chapter in your life. May it be filled with love, laughter and adventure! Congratulations!

- Susie Bouchard

Dear Lola, I have nothing but positive memories about working with you on Conted matters. You are a true professional. Best wishes in the future.

- Don Montecalvo

May you have a wonderful and fulfilling retirement. Best wishes Lola!

- Eva Helms

Wishing you all the best in health and happiness in your retirement! It's been such a pleasure working with you, Lola, I will miss you dearly!

- Amanda Moey
Message 25

Dear Lola, After a long and fulfilling career, you deserve to enjoy the next chapter of your life. Congratulations on your retirement! May you enjoy every happy moment. Hope to see you at some shows at St. Jax Church. Best wishes, - Ruby

- Ruby Wong
Message 27

Congratulations Lola. May your retirement be filled with all the things you love and enjoy. Best wishes!

- Aneta Sujkowska

Dear Lola, I wish you all the best in this wonderful new chapter. Congratulations on your retirement! Best Wishes, Mona Leroux

- Mona Leroux
Message 29

Dear Lola, Congratulations on your well-deserved retirement. You’ve been a great role model for us, and I hope you’ll stop by from time to time to make us all want to retire too, All the best,

- Ania Marczewska

Dear Lola, Enjoy the new opportunities that retirement can bring. All the best!!

- Diana tremblay

Congratulations on your well-deserved retirement! Wishing you joy, relaxation, and all the things that bring you happiness. I have no doubt that you will continue to discover new adventures and enjoy your newfound freedom. Cheers to you!!! Text me ! xox

- Deborah Gaudet

Hi Lola, You are one of the nicest people I've met at Dawson. I wish you a happy retirement.

- Chris
Message 33

Hi Lola, I wish you nothing but the best in your retirement and your next adventures. I know they like to say that we are all replaceable, but I'm not convinced that you are! You've always made sure that students came first and that is something we all need a reminder of from time to time. Good luck in whatever you do next!

- Toni

Dear Lola, Just wanted to congratulate you on your years of great work and wish you every happiness in retirement! It was a pleasure to work with you.

- Carmela Gumelli

Very best wishes for your retirement, Lola. I think you'll learn to like it -- as I certainly did!

- Bill Mannard