Elevating Your One-on-One Meetings: The Power of Great Check-In Questions


One-on-one meetings are crucial for fostering effective communication, building relationships, and ensuring alignment between managers and their team members. However, without the right approach, these meetings can become mundane and fail to achieve their intended objectives. That's where the art of asking great check-in questions comes into play. In this article, we delve into the significance of check-in questions and provide a comprehensive guide to crafting impactful queries that elevate the quality of your one-on-one meetings.

The Importance of Check-In Questions:

As highlighted by Ask a Manager, a leading blog on workplace dynamics and management, check-in questions serve as the cornerstone of productive one-on-one meetings. They create an opportunity for managers to gauge their employees' well-being, address any concerns, and provide support where needed. Moreover, these questions demonstrate genuine interest in the individual beyond their work tasks, fostering a sense of trust and camaraderie.

Crafting Effective Check-In Questions:

Start with Open-Ended Inquiries:

Open-ended questions encourage meaningful dialogue and allow employees to express themselves freely. Instead of asking, "How are you?" which often elicits a generic response, try prompts like:

  1. "What's been on your mind lately, both personally and professionally?"
  2. "Is there anything you'd like to discuss or clarify since our last meeting?"
  3. "How are you feeling about your workload and priorities?"

Focus on Progress and Growth:

One-on-one meetings are ideal for discussing progress, challenges, and opportunities for development. Incorporate questions that prompt reflection and goal-setting, such as:

  1. "What achievements are you most proud of since our last meeting?"
  2. "Are there any skills or areas you're interested in developing further?"
  3. "How can I support you in reaching your professional goals?"

Prioritize Feedback and Collaboration:

Feedback is essential for continuous improvement and fostering a culture of collaboration. Encourage open communication by asking questions like:

  1. "Is there anything I can do differently as your manager to better support you?"
  2. "Do you have any suggestions for improving team dynamics or workflow?"
  3. "What obstacles are you facing, and how can we overcome them together?"

Address Work-Life Balance and Well-Being:

Acknowledging the importance of work-life balance demonstrates empathy and promotes employee well-being. Consider questions that touch on personal fulfillment and stress management:

  1. "How are you managing your workload in relation to your personal commitments?"
  2. "Are there any non-work-related activities or hobbies bringing you joy lately?"
  3. "Do you feel supported in maintaining a healthy work-life balance?"

Encourage Self-Reflection:

Self-awareness is a crucial aspect of personal and professional growth. Incorporate questions that prompt employees to reflect on their own performance and mindset, such as:

  1. "What have you learned about yourself in the past week/month that you'd like to share?"
  2. "Are there any areas where you feel you've made significant progress, or where you feel you could use more guidance?"
  3. "How do you feel your strengths are contributing to our team's success, and how can we leverage them further?"

Foster a Culture of Recognition:

Acknowledging achievements and expressing appreciation fosters a positive work environment and boosts morale. Use check-in questions to shine a spotlight on accomplishments and contributions, for example:

  1. "Is there someone on the team whose work you admire or who you feel deserves recognition?"
  2. "What's a recent success story you'd like to share with the team?"
  3. "How can we ensure that your efforts and achievements are properly acknowledged and celebrated?"

Address Remote Work Challenges:

In today's increasingly remote work landscape, managers must adapt their approach to accommodate unique challenges and concerns. Tailor your check-in questions to address the specific needs of remote or hybrid team members, such as:

  1. "How are you finding the transition to remote work, and is there anything you need to feel more supported in this environment?"
  2. "What tools or resources do you find most helpful for staying connected and productive while working remotely?"
  3. "Are there any additional support or accommodations you require to navigate the challenges of remote work effectively?"

Explore Professional Development Opportunities:

Investing in employee growth and development is key to retaining top talent and fostering a culture of continuous learning. Use check-in questions to explore potential avenues for skill-building and career advancement, such as:

  1. "Are there any training programs or workshops you're interested in participating in to enhance your skills?"
  2. "Do you have any career aspirations or goals you'd like to discuss, and how can we work together to help you achieve them?"
  3. "Are there any mentors or role models you admire within or outside the organization, and what insights can we glean from their experiences?"

Embrace Diversity and Inclusion:

Diversity and inclusion are essential components of a thriving workplace culture. Use check-in questions to ensure that all team members feel valued, respected, and included, regardless of their background or identity. Consider questions like:

  1. "How do you feel about the level of diversity and inclusion within our team, and are there any areas where we can improve?"
  2. "What actions can we take to ensure that everyone's voice is heard and valued during team discussions and decision-making processes?"
  3. "Are there any cultural or identity-related considerations that you'd like to share, to help us create a more inclusive work environment?"

Promote Work-Life Integration:

In today's fast-paced world, achieving work-life balance can be challenging. Encourage a holistic approach to well-being by exploring ways to integrate work and personal life seamlessly. Ask questions that acknowledge the interconnectedness of these aspects, such as:

  1. "How do you feel about the flexibility and autonomy you have in managing your work and personal commitments?"
  2. "Are there any strategies or techniques you've found helpful in maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal life?"
  3. "What additional resources or support can we provide to help you navigate the demands of both work and personal responsibilities?"

Cultivate Team Unity and Collaboration:

Strong team dynamics are essential for achieving collective goals and fostering a sense of belonging. Use check-in questions to reinforce the importance of teamwork and collaboration, for instance:

  1. "How do you perceive our team's dynamics and communication patterns, and what steps can we take to enhance collaboration?"
  2. "Are there any team-building activities or initiatives you'd like to see implemented to strengthen our bond as a team?"
  3. "What role do you see yourself playing in fostering a positive team culture, and how can we support each other in achieving our shared goals?"

Encourage Innovation and Creativity:

Empower your team members to think outside the box and contribute innovative ideas to drive business growth and innovation. Incorporate questions that spark creativity and encourage experimentation, such as:

  1. "What innovative solutions or approaches have you been exploring in your work recently, and how can we leverage them to drive results?"
  2. "Are there any areas where you feel our team could benefit from a fresh perspective or creative thinking?"
  3. "How can we create a culture that fosters experimentation, risk-taking, and continuous improvement?"

Solicit Feedback on the Meeting Format:

Finally, don't forget to seek feedback on the one-on-one meeting format itself. Encourage open communication by asking questions like:

  1. "How do you feel about the frequency and duration of our one-on-one meetings, and is there anything we should adjust?"
  2. "Are there any topics or areas of discussion you'd like to prioritize or allocate more time to in future meetings?"
  3. "Do you have any suggestions for making our one-on-one meetings more engaging, productive, or meaningful for both of us?"

Explore Personal Growth and Development:

Recognizing the holistic nature of personal and professional development can foster a deeper connection between managers and team members. Incorporate questions that delve into personal growth aspirations and experiences, such as:

  1. "What personal goals or aspirations are you currently working towards, and how can your professional role support them?"
  2. "Have you encountered any personal challenges recently that you'd like to share, and is there any way I can support you in overcoming them?"
  3. "How do you see your personal growth aligning with your career trajectory, and what opportunities do you envision for yourself in the future?"

Address Remote Work Fatigue:

As remote work continues to be prevalent, it's essential to acknowledge and address the potential challenges and fatigue associated with it. Use check-in questions to gauge how team members are coping and offer support where needed, such as:

  1. "How are you managing the boundaries between work and personal life while working remotely, and do you feel you have adequate support in place?"
  2. "Have you noticed any signs of burnout or fatigue recently, and what strategies have you found effective in mitigating them?"
  3. "Are there any additional resources or accommodations you require to maintain your well-being and productivity while working remotely?"

Foster Cross-Functional Collaboration:

In today's interconnected work environment, collaboration across different teams and departments is often critical for success. Use check-in questions to explore opportunities for cross-functional collaboration and knowledge sharing, such as:

  1. "Are there any projects or initiatives in other teams or departments that you're interested in contributing to or learning more about?"
  2. "How do you feel about our current level of cross-functional collaboration, and are there any areas where we can improve?"
  3. "What steps can we take to break down silos and promote more seamless collaboration across teams and departments?"

Celebrate Milestones and Achievements:

Recognizing and celebrating milestones, both big and small, can foster a culture of appreciation and motivation within the team. Use check-in questions to acknowledge achievements and set the stage for celebration, for example:

  1. "What recent accomplishments are you particularly proud of, and how can we celebrate them as a team?"
  2. "Are there any milestones or goals you're working towards that you'd like to share, so we can support you in achieving them?"
  3. "How can we ensure that our team celebrates successes in a meaningful and inclusive way that resonates with everyone?"

Reinforce Company Values and Mission:

Aligning individual goals and efforts with the broader company values and mission can inspire a sense of purpose and unity within the team. Use check-in questions to reinforce these values and explore ways to integrate them into daily work, such as:

  1. "How do you see your work contributing to our company's mission and values, and do you feel a strong sense of alignment?"
  2. "Are there any aspects of our company culture or values that you feel particularly passionate about, and how can we amplify them within our team?"
  3. "What role do you see yourself playing in championing our company's values and fostering a culture of integrity and inclusion within our team?"

Encourage Knowledge Sharing and Learning:

Facilitating knowledge sharing and continuous learning among team members can foster a culture of innovation and growth. Use check-in questions to promote learning and development opportunities, such as:

  1. "Have you come across any interesting articles, podcasts, or resources lately that you'd like to share with the team?"
  2. "Are there any skills or areas of expertise you'd like to learn more about, and how can we incorporate learning opportunities into your role?"
  3. "How can we encourage more knowledge sharing and collaboration among team members to leverage our collective expertise and experiences?"

Address Environmental Sustainability and Social Responsibility:

Incorporating discussions about environmental sustainability and social responsibility into one-on-one meetings reflects a commitment to broader societal values. Use check-in questions to explore ways to integrate sustainability principles into everyday work practices, such as:

  1. "Are there any sustainability initiatives or practices you'd like to see our team adopt to reduce our environmental impact?"
  2. "How can we incorporate principles of social responsibility and ethical business practices into our work, and what role do you see yourself playing in these efforts?"
  3. "What steps can we take as a team to contribute positively to our community and make a meaningful difference in the world around us?"

Support Career Growth and Advancement:

Investing in employees' career growth and advancement demonstrates a commitment to their long-term success and satisfaction. Use check-in questions to explore career aspirations and opportunities for advancement, such as:

  1. "Where do you see yourself in your career trajectory, and how can we align your current role with your long-term goals?"
  2. "Are there any additional responsibilities or projects you'd like to take on to further develop your skills and experience?"
  3. "How can we provide you with the support and resources you need to progress in your career and achieve your professional ambitions?"

Foster Mentorship and Coaching Relationships:

Encouraging mentorship and coaching relationships within the team can accelerate learning and professional development. Use check-in questions to facilitate mentorship opportunities and identify potential mentors or mentees, such as:

  1. "Are there any specific skills or areas of expertise you'd like to learn from a mentor, and do you have someone in mind who could fulfill that role?"
  2. "Are there any team members you admire or look up to, and how can we facilitate mentorship or coaching relationships with them?"
  3. "What qualities do you value in a mentor or coach, and how can we match you with someone who aligns with your needs and aspirations?"

Solicit Feedback on Leadership and Team Dynamics:

Creating space for feedback on leadership style and team dynamics can foster a culture of openness and continuous improvement. Use check-in questions to solicit feedback and insights from team members, such as:

  1. "How do you feel about the leadership and direction of our team, and is there anything I can do differently to better support you?"
  2. "Are there any communication or collaboration challenges within the team that you'd like to address, and what suggestions do you have for improvement?"
  3. "How can we create a more inclusive and psychologically safe environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to contribute?"

Explore Creativity and Innovation:

Encouraging creativity and innovation among team members can lead to breakthrough ideas and solutions. Use check-in questions to spark creative thinking and exploration, such as:

  1. "What innovative ideas or approaches have you been considering in your work recently, and how can we further develop them?"
  2. "Are there any challenges or opportunities where you see potential for creative problem-solving, and what support do you need to pursue them?"
  3. "How can we create a culture that embraces experimentation and risk-taking, while also learning from failures and setbacks?"

Promote Diversity of Thought and Perspective:

Recognizing the value of diverse perspectives can lead to richer discussions and better decision-making. Use check-in questions to promote diversity of thought and inclusivity within the team, such as:

  1. "How do you feel about the level of diversity of thought within our team, and are there any perspectives or voices that you think are underrepresented?"
  2. "What steps can we take to ensure that everyone feels comfortable sharing their unique perspectives and experiences during team discussions?"
  3. "How can we leverage our diverse backgrounds and viewpoints to generate more innovative solutions and approaches?"

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Address Mental Health and Well-Being:

Prioritizing mental health and well-being is essential for maintaining a happy and productive workforce. Use check-in questions to check on team members' mental health and offer support where needed, such as:

  1. "How are you feeling mentally and emotionally lately, and is there anything you'd like to discuss or share?"
  2. "Have you been experiencing any stress or anxiety related to work or personal life, and how can we support you in managing it?"
  3. "What strategies or resources have you found helpful in maintaining your mental health and well-being, and how can we incorporate them into our team culture?"

Encourage Boundary Setting and Time Management:

Setting boundaries and managing time effectively are key skills for maintaining work-life balance. Use check-in questions to explore how team members are managing their time and boundaries, such as:

  1. "How do you feel about your workload and time management practices, and is there anything you'd like to adjust or improve?"
  2. "Are there any boundaries you've set for yourself in terms of work hours or availability, and how can we respect and support them?"
  3. "What strategies or tools have you found helpful in prioritizing tasks and managing your time effectively?"

Foster a Culture of Gratitude and Appreciation:

Expressing gratitude and appreciation can boost morale and strengthen team cohesion. Use check-in questions to cultivate a culture of gratitude within the team, such as:

  1. "Is there someone on the team whose contributions you'd like to recognize or express appreciation for?"
  2. "What's something positive that happened recently that you're grateful for, either at work or in your personal life?"
  3. "How can we incorporate more opportunities for expressing gratitude and appreciation into our team interactions and communications?"

Explore Cross-Departmental Collaboration:

Encouraging collaboration not only within the team but also across different departments can lead to innovative solutions and synergistic outcomes. Use check-in questions to explore opportunities for cross-departmental collaboration, such as:

  1. "Are there any projects or initiatives in other departments that you believe our team could contribute to or benefit from?"
  2. "How do you perceive the level of collaboration between our team and other departments, and what steps can we take to strengthen these relationships?"
  3. "What insights or perspectives from other departments do you think could enhance our work, and how can we leverage them effectively?"

Promote Diversity of Thought and Perspective:

Valuing diversity of thought and perspective can lead to more creative problem-solving and better decision-making. Use check-in questions to encourage team members to share their unique viewpoints and experiences, such as:

  1. "How do you feel about the diversity of perspectives within our team, and are there any voices or viewpoints you believe are underrepresented?"
  2. "What steps can we take to ensure that all team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and perspectives, regardless of their background or identity?"
  3. "How can we leverage our diverse talents and experiences to drive innovation and achieve our goals more effectively?"

Foster Resilience and Adaptability:

In today's rapidly changing work environment, resilience and adaptability are essential skills for success. Use check-in questions to explore how team members are adapting to change and navigating challenges, such as:

  1. "How do you feel about our team's ability to adapt to changing circumstances, and what strategies have you found effective in staying resilient?"
  2. "Are there any recent setbacks or challenges you've encountered, and how have you been able to overcome them?"
  3. "What support or resources do you need to enhance your resilience and adaptability in the face of uncertainty and change?"

Champion Employee Well-Being and Mental Health:

Prioritizing employee well-being and mental health fosters a supportive and caring work environment. Use check-in questions to check on team members' well-being and offer support where needed, such as:

  1. "How are you feeling both physically and mentally, and is there anything I can do to support your well-being?"
  2. "Have you been able to maintain a healthy work-life balance recently, or do you feel overwhelmed by your workload?"
  3. "Are there any resources or initiatives you'd like to see implemented to promote mental health and well-being within our team?"

Foster a Culture of Gratitude and Appreciation:

Expressing gratitude and appreciation for team members' contributions cultivates a positive and motivating work environment. Use check-in questions to acknowledge and celebrate achievements, such as:

  1. "What recent accomplishments are you particularly proud of, and how can we celebrate them as a team?"
  2. "Is there anyone on the team whose efforts you'd like to recognize or express appreciation for?"
  3. "How can we incorporate more opportunities for recognition and appreciation into our team culture to ensure that everyone feels valued and appreciated?"

End on a Positive Note:

Conclude your one-on-one meetings on a high note by reaffirming your support, expressing gratitude, and setting clear action items for follow-up. End with questions like:

  1. "What are you looking forward to accomplishing before our next meeting?"
  2. "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss or address before we wrap up?"
  3. "How can I best support you in implementing the action items we've discussed today?"


Incorporating great check-in questions into your one-on-one meetings can transform them from routine check-ins to dynamic, insightful discussions that drive employee engagement and productivity. By prioritizing open communication, feedback, and personal well-being, managers can cultivate stronger relationships with their team members and empower them to thrive professionally and personally. So, the next time you sit down for a one-on-one meeting, remember the power of thoughtful questions in fostering meaningful connections and driving positive outcomes.

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