Happy Birthday, Varg Vikernes!

cover image


~ pavel


~ Lyla

Du är en inspirationskälla

~ Fredrik

с др!

~ serge

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, Varg! I wish you good health and long life, I love you! Thank you for your great contribution to the music.

~ Artem Avesomov

Congratulations you old Norse!

~ Tirils bane

hi Varg! like your music. Belus and Fallen especially

~ ChExi

I wish you less niggers in France

~ Euronymous

Доброго здравия, легенда


Dear Varg, have a good birthday. Best wishes to you and your beautiful family. Stay strong!

~ Alexander Tverskov

Happy Birthday!

~ Alessandro Bertucci

Alles Gute, Kamerad!

~ Alois Hiller

Keep your spirit high

~ Artem

There is no death for the honourable!

~ Paul


~ Всеволод

Happy Birthday! Thanks for inspiring me to start a family of my own. We're expecting our fist in June.

~ Scott

С днём рождения, Варг! Пусть этот день будет наполнен радостью, вдохновением и новыми творческими идеями. Желаю тебе здоровья и успехов в творчестве!

~ Женя Чесноков

Thank you for the music that you've created. It has cured my depression and found a way to become independent.

~ Pålle

Happy birthay Varg keep going another hundred years like that ,big idol better man,cheers

~ Daniel Vatev from Bulgaria

Happy birthday, much respected Louis Cachet (Varg Vikernes), I wish you success in your work and prosperity in life!

~ Андрей Бомбарёв

С днем рождения, Варг! Пламенный привет из России!

~ Владислав

Keep leading the way, more people are opening their eyes. Heill Óðinn

~ Sergio

Bon Anniversaire !

~ Alrek

Happy birthday from Russia. We live your music

~ Savely

Gratulerer med dagen, Varg! Jeg ønsker deg og hele familien din god helse, kjærlighet og gjensidig forståelse! (С днем рождения, Варг! Желаю тебе и всей твоей семье крепкого здоровья, любви и взаимопонимания! )

~ Даниил из Уфы

Варг лучший, желаю тебе счастья, здоровья, поменьше сроков и всего лучшего

~ Паша с Киева

Gratulerer med dagen Varg. Jeg har fulgt med på ditt arbeid siden før du ble bannet. Du er veldig innspirerende og har forandret mange av mine syn. Ser frem til mer av deg på odyssey! Hail auch sæl!

~ Stian

С Днем рождения Варг .Я просто хочу сказать ,что твоя музыка всегда спасала меня в трудные моменты .Спасибо.Желаю успехов и большого вдохновения

~ Алена

С Днём Рождения!

~ Ерофеев Артём Евгеньевич

Спасибо за вдохновение.

~ Паша из крд

Hello, Warg. I am 14 years old, I live in Vologda (Russian Federation). I congratulate you on your birthday on behalf of the whole of Vologda, I wish you further development in book writing and creating music. Develop Burzum further. And once again, happy birthday!

~ Даниил Рыжов

С днём рождения, спасибо за музыку

~ Matvey

С днём рождения, легенда!


Thank you for all you did!

~ Andrey

Спасибо за прекрасную музыку. С днем рождения.

~ Руслан


~ Askr

Happy upcoming or already arrived birthday, Varg Vikernes, I wish you to be in a good mood, so that diseases avoid you, so that dreams come true and everything is fine. Thank you for your creativity, your music and books have lifted my spirits. With love from Russia,

~ George/ Gosha turbo-folk

Happy BDay, Varg! Wish you well! Greetings from Russia!

~ Misha Drob

All the best to you and your beautiful familly, Varg. We almost share a birthday (i'm born on the 12th), which could explain why I relate so much to your Weltanschauung. You've been a guiding light and insporation to me for many years! Happy birthday from my fiancé and me. May creativuty and strength never leave you! Hæl!

~ Ormstunga

С днем рождения!

~ Тимофей

С Днём Рождения, Господин Викернес! Всех Благ! Благодарю за музыку и вдохновение!

~ Роман

All the best Count!

~ Jakub

С днём рождения!

~ Иван

thanks to you I know the burning temperature of a church Happy birthday Varg

~ German

Happy birthday Varg Vikernes. You have become my idol and motivator to write music. I also have a group called “Helsvart”. In the near future we will be releasing our own music. Health to your family and you is the main thing. Happy birthday again! !!

~ My nickname is Ukjent from Russia

С днём рождения, Варг!! привет из России, так сказать хех , ещё больших удач в творчестве !! // Gratulerer med dagen, Varg!! hei fra Russland, for å si det sånn hehe, enda bedre lykke til i kreativiteten!!

~ Vera Chmosa

Happy Birthday to the most awesome artist

~ Maurice W.

Happy birthday maestro! ⚡⚡

~ Marco from Italy

HBD Varg and greetings from Finland!

~ Kurjakakskasi

Happy birthday mr. Varg. Freonlike groetnis, Geale

~ Geale

Привет, Варг! С днём рождения. Желанию тебе жить ещё очень долго

~ Euronymous

Dear Varg Vikernes, On behalf of the entire band Helsvårt from Nizhny Novgorod, we want to extend our warmest birthday wishes to you! You are an inspiration to us both as a musician and as a person. Your artistry is filled with deep emotions and strength that motivates us every day.

~ Helsvårt band from Nizhny Novgorod

Привет из Ульяновска! Желаю крепкого здоровья и всего наилучшего! :-) ♥♥♥

~ Арина

Happy birthday, Varg! Hello from Russia

~ Vitharr

Dear Louis Caché, Count Grishnack, Christian Vikernes, but most importantly. Varg Vikernes, I am writing to you from Russia, I am a fan of your work. I would like to see you and communicate live, but it is a pity that we live so far away. If you want to give an answer, here is my mail: ([email protected]) Happy Birthday Grandpa, I want to wish you health and strength!!!

~ Anton

Happy birthday, Varg! You and your music changed my life. With love from Russia!

~ Anna

happy birthday. dear Varg we`re writing thst cool sheet from Podolsk Thanks to your music, we have found a lot of common ground for camaraderie. with Tania and Jopa We wish you good health and happiness

~ Dania Jopa Tania

We wait a new album! Give it to us as a gift for your birthday! With great love, respect and admiration, happy birthday to you, from your listeners from Russia!

~ Orcs of Mordor

Happy birthday, dear friend Varg. Greetings from cold Russia. Best wishes to you and your family. I hope you will continue to delight us with your videos, and maybe even music PRAISE ODIN, VARG VIKERNES IS ALIVE AND FEEL GOOD!

~ лесной гном

Happy birthday, Varg! I send you a fiery greeting

~ Exeqr

Happy Birthday and good health to you and your kin! Hail to the Freyr's Fair Children!

~ Feämoriel

Happy Birthday!!! With love from Russia.

~ Zlata

Thank you for everything and happy birthday. For me you will always be a hero.

~ Egor

Gratulerer med dagen Happy birthday Varg Vickers!

~ Nikolay

~ Sandro

Happy Birthday, Varg

~ Anton

Здравствуй дорогой Варг, спасибо тебе за твою музыку и тот творческий путь что ты проделал! С днем рождения

~ Александр

с днем рождения гениальнейшего человека на планете

~ loyalbabe

Euronymous pov:

~ Ali Baran işs

Happy birthday, Varg!

~ Timur

Дорогой Варг. Поздравляю тебя с днем рождения от всего сердца.. Желаю всего наилучшего.

~ Михаил

Happy birthday. Best wishes from Slavia.

~ Olgierd Skliar

Dear Varg Vikernes! In the name of all russian Burzum Community i wish a happy birthday to you! May your life be calm, peaceful and long, and may your wishes come real!

~ shureeen (alex)

С Днём Рождения, Варгуша!

~ Омега

Hello Mr. Varg, in advance I congratulate you on your 51st birthday, I wish you and your loved ones ever greater happiness, I would especially like to thank you for your work and the contribution that you brought first of all to the music industry, and secondly for not abandoned us and continue to inform us. Praise to our gods and ancestors, Glory to Varg Vikernes! -wolfsangel

~ wolfssangel

Happy Birthday, Varg!! Have a nice day, hehe! I really like ur work, thank u for all your albums, they help me!! We love you, Varg! ♡

~ Nastya :D

Дорогой Варг! Ясного сознания тебе и долгих лет жизни! С Днем Рождения!

~ Диана и Виталий

ayo Varg! Big love from Russia! Happy birthday bro i wish u good health, brand new Niva and a lot of stuff from ur wish list! Your Dima Lineage and Michail Gazlighter BLOOD AND CORPSES!!! =)

~ Dima Lineage and Misha Gazlighter

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

~ Boris Kaldrad

Happy birthday Varg!

~ Sskinnunen

hi Varg Vikernes, I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you success in writing books. I'm looking forward to new books or music albums from you. Good luck with your creativity! Glory to Odin.

~ Lars Hardorum

Happy birthday! I wish you good health and creative success!

~ Kirill.K.N.

Happy birthday compositor varg!!!

~ Melancholyc

DRK squad congratulates you

~ Alfis

C днем рождения, Варг Викернес!

~ Mikhail Tyagunov

Happy birthday, Varg! From Russia with love.

~ Wmsteoopaaffwc

Gratulerer med dagen, Varg! Takk for filosofien din.

~ Ellie

Congrats, Varg

~ Mike

Hello, Varg! Happy birthday to you! You command respect with your views on life, and by putting them into practice! I wish your family glory and health to all your descendants and the descendants of your descendants! From Russia, with great respect

~ Ivan

Бурзум — Сила! Варг — База! Здоровья Вам и Вашей семье!

~ Tim Romanov

Спасибо за огонь пробуждения и клич борьбы пронёсшийся сквозь мили.Надеюсь споёшь однажды с M8L8TH и не теряй улыбки.Духовной праздности тебе и благости родным

~ Wastn

Hey bro, wish you a happy birthday and for our cause to prevail!

~ Бане Србин

Happy birthday Varg!

~ Wiciu512

Hey Varg! Happy birthday, man!

~ Martin Wallace

Congratulations! I wish your Niva to always be running.

~ Valentin

Thanks for making sick music make more music like the reincarnation of Odin

~ Harper

Happy birthday Varg. Best wishes to you and your family. Hail Europe. 1488.


Varg, salute to you from the stormy expanses of Moscow. Thanks for your content, happy birthday!

~ Кирилл

Alassëa nosta, melda Varg!

~ Gandalf

Hello Varg! Happy birthday! Your music and your ideas always inspire me, so thank you for continuing to do something new for burzum and writing books!

~ Michael

Happy Birthday, Varg. You've inspired many* artists worldwide, including me. Cheers to you and your family!

~ Jino

Dear Varg! I wish you a happy new passage on the wheel of the year, and I hope I’ll meet you one day! Artiom, a “druidisant” from the center of France

~ Artiom

За твоё здоровье, батя!!!

~ Evangeline Auf der Mörder

Hail, Satan?!!

~ Pavlyxin

Поздравляю с очередным оборотом вокруг Солнца! Оставайся настойшим, да пребудет с тобой сила.

~ Artemis Twentyone

Happy birthday Varg! Hail Odin T

~ NC41

congrats! absolutely adore your art, live long and prosper. xoxo

~ anne siberian

Happy Birthday from Ukraine, Varg ! Best Wishes you and your Familly!

~ Vadym Musevych

Happy Birthday Varg


Happy Birthday Varg! Thank you for everything! :)

~ M.R.

Happy birthday, Varg Vikernes!

~ Arthur Ubivayushiy

С днём рождения, дружище, привет тебе из холодной России!

~ Глеб

Happy birthday Varg! You are loved all the way from Canada!

~ Cory

Keep doing your shit, u're a living legend, happy birthday

~ Vladimir Zarya from Mother Russia

С днем рождения!!!

~ Сергей

Happy BD, The Greatest. Live long, stay strong, keep shine through the Abyss. Greets from Russia


Paljöon onnea Varg! Terveisin Suomesta!

~ Serge

happy birthday, wonderful Varg Vikernes!

~ лиана убийственная

With love from Russia!

~ Demid Ch.

Not all Americans are fat McDonald’s television race. You’ve inspired many.

~ James

All the best for You and Your family.

~ Tomasz Literski

Gratulerer med dagen! Grev Grishnak

~ Vadim fra Russland

Congratulations, Varg Vikernes! Thank you for your music, and for your contribution to our favorite genre! Peace to you!!! P.S. Greetings from Russia!

~ Rigas

Happy Birthday

~ Tyler

Happy birthday. I wish you new creative successes and that the Jewish kaganate would not be interested in your family - they can do a lot, called gang stalking

~ Eurynome from Russis

Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjalfr it sama, en orðstírr deyr aldregi, hveim er sér góðan getr. Deyr fé, deyja frændr, deyr sjalfr it sama, ek veit einn, at aldrei deyr: dómr um dauðan hvern.

~ Kiril from Lithuania

Happy birthday Varg!

~ impulsif

Gratulerer med dagen, Kjære Og kjære Varg! С любовью из России!

~ Michael

Stay true!

~ Dmitry 88


~ Temmie

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Häuptling Varg!

~ Peirithoos Patrifilos

Братья славяне желают долгих лет жизни повелителю рун и истинному варягу пану Варгу! Привет с холодного Урала! Всем сквирти-вирти! Слава Одину! Слава Перуну!

~ Хитрый Вадик из сквирти-вирти

С новолетием, человек - легенда! P.S. I'm still keeping your gift)

~ Denis

Congratulations from the baddest goy!

~ Maxim

Love u varg, happy birthday from latin america

~ Ever Jaimes

Heil og sæl. Mulig å kjøpe de siste bøkene dine signert av deg? Mvh

~ Nikolai Løvig

A big fan of all your projects, happy birthday Var Vikernes, greetings from Venezuela in Latin america.

~ EverGrind

Чтоб хуй стоял и деньги были

~ Anatoliy Anatoliy

Varg Vikernes, jeg gratulerer deg med bursdagen din, jeg ønsker deg alt godt og suksess i ditt kreative arbeid. Hilsen Fra Russland!

~ Илья

Hail count grishnack! The honorable never die! Tenthousand hearts, one beat!!

~ August g

Gratulerer masse med dagen Varg! Håper du får en fin feiring med familien :)

~ Robin Ransve

От всех групп лейбла AmbientRecordz (Pagan Satan, первомартъ, Chapters of Misery и ласточкин суп) поздравляем Варга Викернеса с днём рождения! Желаем как можно больше хорошего в жизни, здоровья и искусства в вашу жизнь! Большой привет вам из России!!

~ AmbientRecordz

Здравствуйте Варг, поздравляю вас с праздником, желаю, чтобы все ваши мечты сбывались, всего вам наилучшего. (С любовью из Владивостока)

~ Андрей

С днём рождения, легенда, успехов в творчестве, спасибо за музыку!!

~ rina

Live forever, northern wolf!

~ Adunaic

Gratulerer med dagen Varg!

~ Sidd

happy birthday

~ lungburz

С наилучшими пожеланиями из Беларуси! Живи и процветай, пусть луна осветит твой долгий путь!

~ Корней Бронзов

feliz cumpleaños Varg

~ yanar oblod

Happy bday master! Sending love from very far away. I hope you’re having a great time. I made a little representation of the younger you, mwah!

~ Nia

happy birthday

~ morbid death

Happy Birthday Legend

~ МеталлычЪ

Hi Varg! Happy birthday to you! P. S.: Make some more black metal albums, please, I really like your's first 3 albums.

~ Cadaver

Happy birthday from Lyngen!!!

~ Massimiliano Iaquinoto

Happy Birthday, Varg! I wish you health, happiness and success. I wish the same for your children and wife.

~ Japonese Policeman

Happy birthday, Varg! I wish you health, happiness and success. I wish the same for your children and wife.

~ Japonese Policeman

Keep it up

~ K.S

Happy birthday, Varg! Greetings from besieged Russia. I wish you and your family a long life and good health, I hope the provincial France will be stable long enough for your children to grow up. Thank you for BURZUM and MYFAROG (which I recently received from Germany). I'm very pleased with the dynasty style of playing you've taken into consideration.

~ Viacheslav Kulik

Happy birthday Varg!

~ Fan from Montreal

Happy birthday legend

~ Sasha

Легенда долгих лет жизни, спасибо за шедевральную музыку, привет из Красноярска.

~ Кирилл

Your music has always helped to find a way out in difficult situations. When my father died, it was your songs that helped me cope with all this. So, from the bottom of my heart and from the bottom of my black soul, I sincerely wish you happiness, good health and long life Good luck

~ Roland Alexander D.

Hei, jeg er din fan Fra Russland. Gratulerer med dagen kjære bestefar!

~ Moon

Ορθοδοξία ή θάνατος

~ ХйгововгРаорв

Dear Varg, Happy 51th Birthday! I really hope everything is fine with you and your family. In the past 5 years you have become like a father to me, since I don't have one. I'm grateful for your guidenesses and significant lessons about life and the world in general. You will always be my teacher. Wish you all the best and thank you again. From Russia with love

~ Nick

Dear Varg Vickenson! Happy Birthday! I will continue in Russian, Большое спасибо за творчество и поддержку нашей страны! Всех благ вашим родственникам!

~ Georgiy

Happy birthday,Varg!!You are an incredible person! Your music makes me alive! Thank you for all your creativity and for what you are!!

~ ...

There are no words to describe the contribution your music and articles have made to my life.

~ Maxim

Дорогой Викернес! Долгих лет тебе, счастья, любви, здоровья жене и детям! Слава России!

~ Smert hazaram

Happy birthday and thank you for opening my eyes

~ Southron

Happy Birthday, Varg! All the best wishes and many more years of inspiration for those who have years to listen to you

~ Dunkelheit Filosofem (Dacian)

Happy birthday Varg! Many blessings from Canada

~ Lewis and Tanja

Greetings from Russia! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR VARG! YOU ARE ALIVE AND HEALTHY AND THIS IS GREAT! Thank you for the wonderful music!

~ Anastasia Cherepanova

Happy birthday Varg, greetings from Sweden

~ Ossian

hello africa are you hungry Btw your kids and wife are lovely, you are a nice family man and your music is awesome. С Днем Рождения, Варг Викернес!

~ Alice from Russia

Happy birthday you grey old wizard. Much love! I wish for great health among you and your beautiful family.

~ Scotsman⚡️⚡️

Дорогой волшебник, мне сейчас 20 лет, не зная о моём существовании, ты оказал огромное влияние на моё становление как личности, так как был моим ориентиром в течение последних десяти лет. Спасибо за твою музыку, за Thulean Perspective и за MYFAROG. Желаю прекрасного будущего твоим детям, ведь в них твоё бессмертие. P. S. Извини, что пишу по-славянски. Я понимаю английский, но плохо на нём пишу.

~ Taras

С днём рождения, Варг. Желаю здоровья и меньше муслимов в Норвегии

~ Kilusa

Привет, уважаемый Варг, я простой парень из города Луганск. От всей души хотелось бы поздравить вас с днëм рождения, а также выразить слова благодарности за ваш вклад в музыку. Она очень вдохновляет и очаровывает

~ Александр

Happy Birthday Varg!

~ Mark

хуй будеш?

~ tzykerky

Happy Birthday, Dear Varg! Greetings from Russia! Ps. Your Niva is a legend

~ Sergey

Dear Varg. Congratulations from the beautiful chosen people of Saint Petersburg, Russia. Yom huledet sameach, bro. Lechaim, baby!

~ Aaron

Happy birthday, daddy

~ BBC appreciation community

Крепчашего здоровья, вкусной выпечки и домашнего тепла!

~ YuriYa

Hello Varg, I am a huge fan of Burzum, so I simply cannot ignore the birthday of the man who gave the world such beautiful music. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VARG!!! P.S. I think that every family should be like this

~ Alexander

May the black sun never go out in your eyes. Happy one more year closer to the afterlife!

~ Margaret

Варг, пишу тебе из России! С днем рождения!!! Большое тебе спасибо за твою музыку и за твои гениальные мысли, ты поистине поменял меня и мою жизнь, спасибо! Счастья тебе!

~ Viking

Happy birthday Varg, since i was 14 i have been listening to your music, you showed me a new perspective of life, i honestly wish you the best to you and your family, enjoy your day :]

~ Charles

Легенда спасибо за детство

~ тдк

Dear Varg, your music makes my life colourful. Thanks and best wishes! Из России с любовью)))

~ Артём Анипко

Varg, I'm writing to you from Russia! Happy Birthday!!! Thank you so much for your music and for your brilliant thoughts, you have truly changed me and my life, you even led me to paganism! Thank You!

~ Viking

Wishing you more jews and niggers around your dwarf-like house you, gay-like dickhead.

~ Volodymyr Zelenskyi

Happy Birthday from Russia!

~ Andrey

С Днем Рождения, Варг!!! Русские люди тебя очень любят. Будь сильным!

~ Kirill Maslov

Happy Birthday, Varg! Support from Russia!

~ Perun

Happy birthday, Varg. You're all grown up now, it's time to clean your room and write a rap song.

~ vityatsoi

Батя, с днюхой тебя нахуй! С 50 чем-то летием! От Димана Чава и Петра Александровича Петренко

~ Чавеллыч/Петрович

С днём рождения, желаю больше вдохновения в музыке

~ Еблон

ну хуї ти і так щодня смокчеш, хз що бажати ще

~ очко твоєї мамки з якого тебе висрали

Hello, Varg! Happy Birthday from Russia! All of our kids listen you. Not fucking Travis Scott, we are listening you! Please, write new black metal album. From Russia with LOVE

~ Kirill Witch Hunter

Hi, Varg. i want to CONGRATULATE you on your birthday. My english teacher always reminds me of you and that`s the reason why i cant forget you. He is a good guy and also your fan. I hope your life is great.. Best wishes from me and him. Goodbye!

~ Semeon from Russia

Happy birthday !Roman salute from Karelia

~ Kolot

Happy birthday, dear Varg. Long life and good health to you!

~ Alex from Russia

С Днём Рождения, уважаемый Варг Викернес, долгих лет жизни, спасибо за всё! С любовью, группа Нарколепсия из Москвы…

~ Группа Нарколепсия

Happy B-day, grampa Grischnackh. We wish you and your family well. May your Niva necer fail. Waiting for new dungeon synth bangers, from Russia with love.

~ Taiga Goblins

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag Varg! Liebe Grüße

~ Nils

Лососни хуйца!

~ loopa

Happy Birthday, Varg! Eternal respect from Russia!

~ Alexander from St. Petersburg

Happy birthday, grandpa. Thank you for your wisdom

~ Wolflier

Happy birthday, dear mr.Varg! You are awesome!

~ Anton V.

coci gomno

~ ґґґґґґґґґґ

Сейчас макака этого сайнтиста в жопу-то и оттарабанит

~ Good Mourning

С днем рождения! Всех благ

~ Максим

From Russia with love! Happy Birthday, Varg!

~ Stepan

Спасибо тебе за мотивацию стать на правильный путь !!!

~ Vasilisk

happy birthday! From Russia

~ Alik

Lieber Varg Vickernes, alles Gute zum Geburtstag. Du bist ein großartiger Musiker. Ich bin dir aufrichtig dankbar für deine Kreativität und die von dir geschaffenen Projekte. Übrigens, Grüße aus St. Petersburg Vom Schlagzeuger "Metropolit" — Dream.

~ Dream Aarseth

батя с днюхой тя нахуй с хуй знает с чем-то летием

~ Карим

Hqppy Birthday Varg

~ Lukas

Happy Birthday from a fan in Southern California!

~ NJ

THX for All Varg

~ K-R-K

Be brave

~ Ira

Long live to Varg and his family!

~ Artemius

Joyeux anniversaire Varg de Haute-Savoie ! J'espère que ta nouvelle vie dans ce putain de pays qu'on appelle la France te plaît !

~ Cédric

Happy Birthday Genius

~ vudcra

Thank you for all the music you've written, it's helped me find myself

~ Kirull

Happy birthday, d00d

~ Noctulius of Bloodwyrd

Расти большой, не будь лапшой

~ Татьяна Пална

Grattis på födelsedagen

~ :D

Greetings from Russia! Happy birthday, Varg! You must kill the Christ!

~ Timur

Варг, поздравляю тебя с днём рождения прямо с лесных гор Среднего Урала. Хочу пожелать долгих лет жизни, неиссякаемой музы, шикарных волос, а так же хороших друзей и единомышленников!

~ Егор, город Екатеринбург

Happy Birthday dear Varg!

~ Britt

You gave Dead shotgun shells. As for me you helped understand the meaning when you walk through the winter forest hallowed by the cold moon.

~ Bennett

Happy birthday Varg, have a great one!

~ Gary D

С Днём Рождения, дорогой Варг. Спасибо за твои статьи, книги и музыку. Рад, что теперь можно видеть тебя и в тиктоке. Продолжай свою борьбу, ты свет для нас всех.

~ Влад Троцкий

Happy birthday!

~ Anonymous

Happy birthday, Varg. Thanks for making a change in our lives

~ Joe Shell

Дедуль, пусть свет никогда не заберёт тебя, целуем всем Воронежем!

~ Телеграм-канал "В раскрытое окно"

Happy birthday Varg! My girlfriend and I appreciate all the work you do and appreciate all the wisdom and knowledge you have spread!

~ Hunter and Graycie

Happy birthday Varg Vikerness! We hail you from Saint Petersburg and wish you a clear and peaceful mind and a new УАЗ!

~ Chapaev and Emptiness


~ Nick

Happy birthday Varg ! You are such a good inspiration for a good live! Thanks you. Your thoughts in your Videos are brilliant thanks a lot

~ Berne

Поздравляю! Варг!

Good health to you and your family, brother. The main thing is that the "Niva" does not stall and the gearbox does not knock. Ein großes Hallo aus Russland.

~ Nikita

Happy Birthday, Varg! Thank you for all the work you've done and wishes for you and your kin to prosper in the years to come! May the wisdom of the forefathers be with you!

~ M from Mordovia

Happy birthday Varg!!!! From Russian Black-metalhead

~ Victor

Уважаемый Варг! С днём рождения! Успеха, радости, везения!

~ Пётр

Heil og sæl to you Varg! Warm wishes and a happy 51st (re)birth day! I hope you Will spend another year well, and that this one would prove to be especially fruitful to you, as you unravel new projects and acquire a larger following of younger people, there might still be hope for our Volk! Skål! - From Matija, also known as Hejmdal Banatski, your Serbian follower on Twitter. Urah! Urah! Urah!

~ Matija (Matius)

С др, дядя

~ Dun

happy Birthday! Grandpa Varg, I wish you health and longevity With great respect С Днём Рождения ! Дедушка Варг Желаю здоровья и долголетия С превеликим уважением.


Happy birthday!


Hello Varg! I congratulate you with your bithday! Wish you and your family all the best!!! Great health, a lot lucky and happy and good luck in your creativity (music, books, games) Greatings from Russia!!!

~ Vasiiy

Feliz cumpleaños querido Varg, eres una persona increíble, Salud por muchos años más de vida, un gran abrazo desde Ecuador

~ Liz Vargas

Желаю крутить больше вертух, ездить на нивах и ненавидеть жидов

~ Сарай в МихнеVo

С твоим днём рождения Варг Викернес, Граф Гришнак. Спасибо тебе за все, за музыку, за идеи, за книги, за Myfagor, за все то, что ты сделал! Будь всегда в добром здравии и ясном уме, оставь после себя как можно больше. Мы помним о тебе. P s. Начни опять снимать видео, не хватает твоего контента, на rutube например) В России тебя очень уважают. Хотелось бы чтобы Myfagor был переведен на русский.

~ Саурон из России

Grattis till 20 år online. Pippi och Negerkungen hälsar.

~ M;F

Happy Birthday Varg! Much love from your fellow neanderthal

~ Seb

Glory to Jesus Christ! You are a real Christian who believes in the end of the world and has long moved to the village expecting this. God bless you!

~ Victor from Arkhangelsk

Happy birthday to Varg Vikernes, Count Grishnak. Thank you for everything, for music, for ideas, for books, for Myfagor, for all that you have done! Be always in good health and clear mind, leave behind as much as you can. We remember you. P s. Start making videos again, your content is not enough, on rutube for example) In Russia you are very respected. I wish Myfagor would be translated into Ru

~ Sauron from Russia

С Днём рождения. Любовь, ненависть, прекращение музыки. https://cptmrt.bandcamp.com/album/--2

~ capitamortua

Happy birthday Varg. I wish you will stay so based as you now. Best wishes from Russia!

~ Ilya Vladimirovich Skolzkiy



Varg, congratulations, I want to say that you have given me motivation to make music, that is, I listen to your songs every day, and my favorite album is:Burzum / Uruk-Hai — Unreleased Material (1988 - 1994). I wish you inspiration and strength in music.

~ Gorest

Happy birthday Varg! From Navin,,

~ Navin Singh

Congratulations on your fifty-first birthday. From Russia with love.

~ Daniel

Happy birthday, Black Metal Legend!

~ Njörðr

Dear Varg, Happy birthday! Just a simple congratulation. Saw your TikTok account, NGL it's cool. I hope you will do Key to The Gate, My Journey to the Stars and Kaimadalthas' Nedstigning lives!!! Best wishes, your little fan ;)

~ Anton

Happy Birthday Varg! Heill Óðinn

~ Misha

Happy birthday, Gandalf!!!

~ Kseniya from Russia

Хвала вам и вашему Роду, Варг! Поздравляю с днём рождения, а завтра 12 февраля и мой день рождения.

~ Roma

С днем рождения!

~ Василий

От чата Курнем Глобал прими наши поздравления, Граф.

~ Sergey Milenin

Dear Varg, thank you for all the inspiration throughout these years. I’ve been listening to your music and interested in your thoughts for more than 10 years now. I love your art and vision. I am truly grateful for you being so close to my Russian culture. I also have Nordic roots and your opinions were always close to my heart. I wish all the best and strong health to you and your family. Skòl!

~ Vasilii Leaduhin

Varg, happy fucking birthday Happy 50+ years blyat Batya! Batya!

~ Petruka Dunadansky

С днём рождения! Thank you for your amazing music. Keep going! Hope to see more of your ambient works. Best wishes for you and your family!

~ Vladislav, Tbilisi 2024

Holy shit daddy gnomes of Hyperborea with you! burn down the synagogue kill the black man it will be cool I answer

~ sancho crustvolk

Holy shit daddy gnomes of Hyperborea with you! burn down the synagogue kill the black man it will be cool I answer

~ Sancho crustvolk

Holy shit daddy gnomes of Hyperborea with you! burn down the synagogue kill the black man it will be cool I answer

~ SANCHOcrustvolk

Holy shit daddy gnomes of Hyperborea with you! burn down the synagogue kill the black man it will be cool I answer

~ SanchoCrustvolk

Happy birthday brother!!! Russia love you!!

~ Egor

с днём рождения, евронимус - гей, burzum rules с любовью из России

~ bassist

С днём рождения! Aa’ lasser en lle coia orn n' omenta gurtha !

~ Musrroom Elve, from Saint-Petersburg

Happy birthday, Varg! you are a wonderful person who makes equally wonderful music. We love you very much and wish you a wonderful and long life! Good luck in everything!

~ Timofei

Grattis på födelsedagen, Varg! Ett fyrfaldigt leve, han leve, hipp hipp hurra! Osv.

~ Joakim

Happy Birthday , legend

~ Igor Ivanov

Happy birthday, Varg! Thanks you for your great videos, books and music! Wish all the best to you and your family :)

~ the old copybara

Варг, с днём рождения! Творческих успехов и здоровья семье! Happy birthday!

~ Денис

Dear Varg Vikernes, I wish you a happy birthday! Greetings from Krasnodar Territory, Kuban We are waiting for you to visit!!!

~ Арсений

Happy birthday, Varg! The best black metallist in the world! Best wishes from Russia

~ Kirill

Happy birthday! I also recently turned 26. I hope one day, like you, to have a bunch of children, after moving closer to nature. Greetings from Russia and I wish you as much strength as possible in the fight against the forces of entropy!

~ Arseny

Hail Odin! Вітаю тебе Варг з днем народження! Дякую за музику та магію, яку ти сворив.

~ Arthvr


~ Jesoo

I really miss you, come asap. Maybe today? Millions of bbc waiting you here.

~ Euronymous

Happy birthday, Varg. Thank you for your music

~ Waldemar from Russia

Happy Birrhday Varg! Since 9/2 is my birthday, I bought for myself this little present! Thank you for insipiring me with your music & books!

~ Filippo Tonzig

May fire in your heart burn like those churches!

~ Cornelius

Wishing you a wonderful birthday Varg from Italy! You are an inspiration to many with your amazing content and your message. Keep up the great work!

~ Davide Framba

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Varg!

~ Dr.Stolz

С днем рождения, Легенда!

~ Yohan

Happy birthday Varg. Thank you for delighting us with your creativity for many years, giving us reasons to think and learn something new. I can’t say that I agreed with all your thoughts, but you were always interesting to read, listen to or watch. Stay as you are. I wish you and your family happiness. Russians most often wish for happiness and health. So: Желаю счастья и здоровья!

~ Dmitry from Donetsk (DPR)

Thanks for a cool ambient and creative approach. Rot Front.

~ Max RF

Dear Varg,i want to Congratulations on your birthday and wish you long and good life,i hope you'll have still strong health and happy mood!

~ Egor

happy birthday, thank u for ur beautiful music!! =D

~ sasha

Gesundheit und Glück zu dich an Ihrem Geburtstag an.

~ Sven

Gratulerer med dagen! Love you & your sweaty smile.

~ Julia

Shine on you, crazy diamond! You will probably not gonna see this but anyways.... Huge congratulations to you, happty birthday!

~ Vlad Drak

Have a magical Birthday and a wonderful year ♡

~ Kate

Здоровья Вам и вашим детям, и что бы внуков у Вас было больше чем звезд на небе!

~ Денис чернухин

Dear Varg!Today I wish you to spend your birthday in the company of your loved ones, so that love, care and friendship fill your home.I wish that they and you are always in good health and nothing prevents you from doing creative work.Your music really influenced my life, this magical world always saves me in difficult moments.I'm happy that I once got to know your band!Thank you, happy birthday!

~ Greetings from Russia (Lisa - ALENE)

с др, легенда.

~ Misha Krupin

happy birthday, Man!

~ alice

Hello Grandpa Varg! Happy birthday to you!! I wish you good luck in your new and old endeavors!!

~ Timur Moiseew

кристин,хуй соси

~ кристин,хуй соси

Hey Varg, Happy birthday! My name is Uros I'm from Serbia and your work greatly inspired me! I wish you a long and healthy life!

~ Uroš Obradović From Serbia with love

Inspire me and all your listeners with your beautiful music! Happy birthday!! We love you!

~ Mrs. Sophie

Happy birthday, your music help me to find good friends in my small town, YOU made Black Metal gener. Благодаря тебе я хочу такую же большую семью и быть в далеко от цивилизации, много что меня сейчас разделяет от этой мечты, но я не сдаюсь, ты лучший, Варг!

~ Sergey

Варг, поздравляю тебя с днём рождения! Хочу сказать что меня восхищает твоя позиция, ты не просто отличный музыкант, за тобой стоит что то реальное, у тебя есть своё мнение, в отличие от многих современных исполнителей. Желаю тебе всего наилучшего!

~ Максим

Hope you have the best birthday ever, cutie.

~ ~*miriel asteria*~

Varg Vikernes, happy birthday to you! You're one of the wisest people I've ever heard of. I wish you happiness and good luck in all your work Варг Викернес, поздравляю тебя с днем рождения! Ты один из самых мудрых людей о которых я слышал. Желаю счастья и удачи во всем твоем творчестве.

~ Ivan Maslov

Дед, Пусть все в твоей жизни будет так, как ты того желаешь. В общем желаю того, что тебе больше всего нужно. Возможно что то такое есть и пусть это свершится или сделается реальным. Смотря чего хочешь... Сколько лет тот тебе будет то... А, 51. Уже больше половины века? Хах. Поздравляю еще раз. ~ :Р

~ Kanzora

Happy Birthday Varg! From Russia Kaliningrad

~ Михаил

Happy birthday, Varg! I hope you're doing great. I have to admit, I admire your creativity. I wish you and your family happiness and spiritual prosperity! Greetings from the Urals!

~ Darina

Happy Birthday!!

~ Norman

Дорогой дедушка Варг, спешу поздравить тебя с этим замечательным февральским днем и, по совместительству, с твоим Днем Рождения! Я искренне рад и благодарен тебе за твою несгибаемую волю и характер, с которых я беру пример и черпаю вдохновение! Я постараюсь передать это своему сыну! Что корни и помни про Богов! Привет из России, ждем в гости!

~ Илья

Здравствуйте , дорогой Варг Викернес. Поздравляю вас с днём рождения ! Ваше творчество и жизненная позиция очень вдохновляет. Вашу музыку и взгляды я приветствую и уважаю. Желаю вам крепкого здоровья, долгих лет жизни, душевного и духовного процветания и благополучия. SKÅL !!!

~ Георгий

С Днём Рождения! Спасибо за всё, мы любим тебя!

~ Maya

Ønsker deg og dine en flott bursdag og at dere får mange fine år fremover. Du savnes i Norge.

~ Torstein

happy birthday Count Grishnackh

~ Jen

Hi Varg! Happy birthday from me(left) and my comrade Toni(popularly known as the godless). We wish you a at least 100 more years of life few more acres of land etc...

~ Prorok Moreno

Hi Varg! Happy birthday from me(left) and my comrade Toni(popularly known as the godless). We wish you a at least 100 more years of life few more acres of land etc...

~ Prorok Moreno


~ Justin

Happy Birthday! Have a great year!

~ Apu Apustaja

Heil Dir Varg! Alles Gute zu deinem Wiegenfeste. Mögest Du weiterhin Moria mit Deinem Licht erhellen. Gruß aus Østerrike!

~ Jakob

Varg, happy birthday to you! I am very glad that there is a person like you in the world who protects our European values, I share your point of view, wish you to be strong and want your goal to be achieved

~ Darya

happy birthday Varg! you really perfect person to you from Russia Rostov on Don

~ Diana

Happy Birthday from Austria! Thanks for all the inspirations!

~ Taranis

happy birthday

~ judy

Здоровья тебе и счастья, попутного ветра в этом нелегком но важном путешествии! Heilsa ok sæla þér, góða vindáttu á þessi ekki auðvelda, en mikilvæga ferð 93

~ Khefera

Happy birthday Varg, you make good music, I like your videos too.

~ Tarik

Happy birthday to a Norwegian music legend!

~ Tamerlan

С ДНЁМ РОЖДЕНИЯ!!! Именно с Burzum я познакомилась с блэк металом! Спасибо за музыку :). Желаю здоровья вам и вашей семье (тгк про блэк метал - kihta)

~ Лена


~ elfiragain

С днём рождения! Счастья тебе и твоим близким, творческих успехов

~ Nomen nescio

Здравствуй, Варг В России не у всех принято праздновать день рождения, для многих- их жизнь печаль. Но надеюсь,что прожив такую яркую(пускай и не самую удачную)жизнь,ты рад С днём рождения,Варг!

~ Марк Чес

Varg, best Birthday wishes. Thank for for the knowledgeable you share with us.

~ Max F


~ Преданный фанат

Happy Birthday Varg. Your music has inspired me immensely to immerse myself into the art of sound as well. Best of wishes to you and your family. Stay Strong and vigilant. Stay safe! May your amazing mind forever ooze with magnificent artistic ventures no matter what! Fortunately, at the last hour, there were always a few soldiers to save Civilization. - Oswald Spengler Europe will survive!

~ Yaroslav. (TAC)

Happy Birthday, Mr. Vikernes! You showed me the right path, I'm so grateful for understanding who I really am.

~ Lyof

Hey, Varg! Wish you the best birthday you've ever had because best people should have best birthdays! I wish you the best from Belarus!

~ Matvey

Будь здоров и бодр, Легенда!

~ Кирилл

С днем рождения Варг! Из Уфы, Россия

~ Альберт

Happy birthday! From Russia with love!

~ Dmitry

Found about you many years ago, you ve been an inspiration ever since. Miss your videos. They were a great deal of fun and helped me to think independently as well. Congtatr on your Birthday. Hope to grasp some more of your wisdom in the future. From the world capital of nihilism, Truly yours...

~ ....

С днëм рождения, Варг! Желаю счастья, здоровья, а также долгих лет жизни! Береги себя, свою жену и своих детей! Привет из России! Ты крут! ;)

~ Александр Дудник t.me/wrathsixteen

Дорогой папуля, Варг. Поздравляю тебя с твоим днем рождения, желаю счастья и всего наилучшего, спасибо за прекрасную музыку и твои видео!! С 51 летием тебя!! Прикрепила своего кота, его зовут Висп Викернес! Мы тебя любим!!

~ Любовь Зеленина

I would like to thank you for your music, which inspired me to know (gnosis) my roots (my father is a descendant of German colonists) and for your video blogs, in which you demonstrate how any white man should live. Happy Birthday, Hail Wodanaz

~ Vseolod, middle ural